Land use (forests, parks, built-up areas, etc.) (Note that + needs to be encoded as %2B in URLs.) For example layers=-labels,-housenumbers shows the default map without any labels and housenumbers, and layers=%2Bpois shows the default map including POIs.Īll default layers are included in the osm-layer. You can also include or exclude layers by prefixing them with + or.
You can select multiple layers using a comma separated list. You can create a custom map by selecting specific layers with the layers=-parameter. This layer contains the most relevant sub-layers. Only GetCapabilities requests need the epsg-parameter You can select from a large selection of coordinate systems by accessing our services with the WMS standard.Īll our service URLs contain an Example GetCapabilities request with EPSG 25833 You can use our OpenStreetMap service tiled or as single image.